When I grow up...

by - 02:20:00

What do you want to be when you grow up? Ask me that at 6 years old and I'd answer in a heartbeat. Fast forward and I never would have imagined for one second that at 25 I'd still have no idea of what I really want to do in life. Life doesn't always go to plan, at 25 I thought I'd be living in my own home, have a career and even children. Reality check and I have none of those. I'm happy with the direction my life is going though, I guess life is a bit of a race. All you need to do is go on social media and instantly you'll see everyone competing with one another. Everyone is going at difference paces

If I've learnt anything this year, it's that's it's okay to be 25 and still not have achieved everything you.

This is my life, my journey...

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