New Year's Resolutions!

by - 17:41:00

1. Come on then let’s just get it over and done with, the cliche New Years resolution is coming, the classic...lose weight. This year I’m hoping to spend more time in the kitchen and be more daring with food. If I do cook then it’s a case of shoving a pizza in the oven.

2. The Fitbit is coming out of storage, quick dusting and I’m determined to wear is as much as possible. I’m going to start off small and aim to reach 5,000 steps a day. To be honest, I’d be over the moon if I get to the stage whereby, I’m able to tie my own shoe lace.

3. My arch nemesis ...fizzy pop. I drink an unbelievable amount of fizzy pop and the worse thing is I’ve proved to myself I don’t need it because when I’m working or at uni all I drink is water all day. I’ll admit I’m not going to go tee total when it comes to fizzy drinks but I’ll definitely be drinking much more water.

4. Now this one is pretty much impossible for anyone who has anxiety and depression but I really need to try and not take things to heart so much. I let people get to me and it’s time I stop letting people put me down.

5. Panic attacks - there are lots of things I can do to stop getting myself so worked up to the point where I’m about to have a panic attack. Sounds silly, but I need to learn how to breath, how to regular my heartbeat and remain calm. Mindfulness is key.

6. So 2018 has been the year for vegans. Now I’m not going to commit to becoming vegan or vegetarian but I will start by thinking about what I eat and looking for healthier alternatives. Look into which foods are good for our bodies and help us feel revitalised.

7. What will be will be, so there’s no point dwelling on the past, the past can’t be changed but the present and future can so the times come to focus on living in the moment.

8. It’s not all doom and gloom, I’m going to smile more and say greet people in the corridors.

9. As we approach the end of the list, I’m running out of ideas so hey let’s go with being able to walk up the 3 floors to my office without panting and gasping for breath. Suppose it would help if I avoided the lift.

10. And finally, to work on my Positive Mental Attitude. I’ve got the whole world resting on my shoulders and now it’s about time I started to shrug some things off!

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