*SwimCell Waterproof Cases*

by - 22:54:00

Let's face it we've all had a phone that has decided to break on us. A few years back I purchased one of the latest handsets on the market costing me well over £600. Within a few months I had several issues with the handset and sent it to the manufacturer for repair, I was flabbergasted when they demanded over £200 to repair it claiming they found tracing of 'water damage'. The worst thing is my phone had never come into contact with any water unless your counting rain and the odd drops of sweat. I refused to pay the bill and instead bought a new handset (older model) but still had to pay £42 per month for a contract of which I had no phone to. Normally I have a good track record with phones and always look after them but once I did have an unfortunate experience with a different phone when it fell out my pocket down the toilet. 

I just wish I had heard of SwimCell beforehand. For the sake of a few pounds, a SwimCell case would have saved me hundreds. Swimcell offer 100% waterproof cases for phones and tablets whereby, you can use them underwater, yes that's right UNDER WATER. For those of you that are unaware, under water cameras and accessories are incredibly expensive, with SwimCell you can convert your phone and tablet into an under water one capturing some breathtaking shots and videos. Last year marked my first trip abroad, I was desperate to take my phone to the beach but didn't want to leave it unattended, now with SwimCell cases you can carry your phone on you at all times. Enjoy taking a dip in the sea knowing your phone is safe. 

I absolutely love these cases and think they are ingenious, I've been enjoying long soaks in the bath reading my books on my tablet or texting and browsing the net. Right now I'm writing this post in the bath. I highly recommend Swimcell, the cases are extremely durable and smart, you have nothing to lose by purchasing one. Swimcell waterproof cases currently come in 4 sizes. That's 2 for phones and 2 for tablets and you can choose from a range of colours including black, blue, pink, white and neon yellow. The cases provide you with peace at mind knowing your phone is safe should it come into contact with water, just think about all the money we spend on phone insurance and repairs.

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